If you wish to install this program onto your hard drive so that you will not have to insert the CD every time you run the Discover program, do the following:
Double click on the MY COMPUTER icon.
Double click on the icon for your hard drive (usually the C: drive).
Double click on the PROGRAM FILES folder.
Under the FILE menu, choose "New Folder" - this folder will appear in the hard drive window with the name NEW FOLDER.
Rename this folder to DISCOVER FOLDER.
Go back and Double click on the MY COMPUTER icon (leave the PROGRAM FILES folder open).
Double click on the Discover CD icon (usually D: drive).
Select all the items in the Discover CD window (these are: Discover icon, folder called FILES, folder called XTRAS, Read Me File Tech Help File)
Drag and copy all of these items to the DISCOVER FOLDER you created into the New Folder that you created called DISCOVER FOLDER.
You can now remove the CD from the CD drive and run the DISCOVER program from the DISCOVER FOLDER on your hard drive.
To create a shortcut on the desktop which links to this newly installed file, do the following:
Navigate to the DISCOVER.exe icon in the DISCOVER FOLDER you created.
Right click on the DISCOVER.exe icon and choose Create Shortcut.
Drag this shortcut that appears to your desktop.
To add the DISCOVER program to your Start menu, do the following:
Click on the Start button.
Go to the Settings menu and choose Taskbar and Start Menu.
Click on the Start Menu tab.
Click on the ADD button.
Choose browse - locate the DISCOVER FOLDER in the Program Files folder on your hard drive.
Choose the Folder you wish the shortcut to appear in the Start Menu under.
Name the shortcut (usually DISCOVER).
Click FINISH button.
**NOTE - you can also do the above procedures to create a shortcut directly to the program file on the CD-ROM
or to add the DISCOVER.exe program into the Start Menu.